Thursday, November 28, 2019
12:15pm – 1:45pm
C.K. Choi Building Rm. 120
Lunch will be served at 11:45am
Right-Wing Populism and Climate Change in Europe
In a current study by adelphi, Stella Schaller and Alexander Carius investigate how right-wing populist parties in Europe behave in the field of climate change. Alexander Carius will present some of this research, which examines the voices and the weight of right-wing populist parties in the formulation of European climate policy.
Right-wing populist parties are part of the governments of eight EU member states and are making up a quarter of MEPs after the European elections in May 2019. The dwindling trust of citizens in democratic institutions and in Europe, the re-sorting of party spectrums, the declining influence of traditional popular parties as well as the emergence of multi-party coalitions and minority governments will all make governance increasingly difficult. At the same time, we are experiencing a profound transformation of life, work and mobility: European societies are facing epochal changes through digitalisation, urbanisation and climate change.
Bio – Alexander Carius is founder and Managing Director of adelphi, the Berlin-based think tank. One of the leading consultants on environmental and development policy in Germany, he is in demand around the world as a speaker, facilitator, and advisor. He is a ground-breaking thinker, innovative designer, nimble strategist, and global influencer. He translates scientific insights into practical options for governments, non-governmental organizations, industry associations, and companies. He works with a diverse range of actors to develop, design, and implement international negotiations, agenda-setting processes, and consultations.
Presented by the Germany Embassy in Ottawa in partnership with the Institute for European Studies and the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions.