Research News

Project Interview: Ryan Sun

Ryan Sun (he/him) is a 5th year PhD Candidate in the Department of History at the University of British Columbia. He completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Toronto specializing in History and double minoring in German and English. He also spent a summer abroad at Akita International University studying Japanese. He moved to […]

Welcome CES Undergraduate and Graduate Student Fellows!

The Centre for European Studies is excited to welcome our first cohort of undergraduate and graduate student fellows! Alicia Barker-Astrom, and Sriharsha Madireddy are the undergraduate fellows. Byron Clark, Isabelle Avakumovic-Pointon, Lance Pederson,  Psyfun Mustary, Ryan Sun,  Simen Hennum, and Susanna Cassisa are the graduate fellows. Our student fellows come from an array of scholarly […]

Applications Open: Undergraduate and Graduate Fellowships in CES!

We are excited to share that applications for the CES Undergraduate and Graduate Fellowships are open now! Each fellowship includes: a stipend of $500.00 a shared working station in the UBC Centre for European Studies for up to one month in W2023 T2 (February, March, April) an opportunity to share their research findings with the […]

The 2023 Fall CES Research Colloquium Series is Here!!!

  The UBC Centre for European Studies is excited to announce the lineup for our Fall 2023 Research Colloquia:   “The Hypogée des Dunes, Poitiers: Faith and Science in Nineteenth-Century France“ by Dr. Bonnie Effros Monday, October 30th @12:30-1:30 pm PT, Buchanan Tower Room 1099. The late nineteenth century saw the growth of a sizable chasm […]

CES Welcomes New Visiting Scholar, Ari Hallgrímur Finnsson!

The Centre for European Studies is excited to announce that we have a new Visiting Scholar, Ari Hallgrímur Finnsson! Ari is a PhD Candidate in the Department of History at the University of Toronto, and his research interests are in global and imperial intellectual history, including liberal political philosophy, law, biopolitics, political economy, and social […]

Engaging Transylvania Recordings now available!

If you missed one of the Centre for European Studies “Engaging Transylvania” talks, the recordings are now available on cIRcle.

CES Co-sponsors International Workshop “Thinking with Lauren Berlant”

The Centre for European Studies is thrilled to co-sponsor the international workshop “Thinking with Lauren Berlant”, May 19-20th, 2023. Details about the event and registration links to the keynotes can be found here.