Anders als die Andern by Dr. Ervin Malakaj
Dr. Ervin Malakaj's book Anders als die Andern was published on August 1, 2023 by McGill-Queen's University Press. You can purchase a copy here. Released in 1919, Anders als die Andern (Different from the Others) stunned audiences with its straightforward depiction of queer love. Supporters celebrated the film’s moving storyline, while conservative detractors succeeded in prohibiting public screenings. Banned and partially destroyed after the rise of Nazism, the film was lost until the 1970s and only about one-third of its original footage is preserved today...Ervin Malakaj sees the film’s portrayal of the pain of living life queerly as generating a complex emotional identification in modern spectators, even those living in apparently friendlier circumstances. There is a strange comfort in knowing that we are not alone in our struggles, and Malakaj recuperates Anders als die Andern’s mournful cinema as an essential element of its endurance, treating the film’s melancholia both as a valuable feeling in and of itself and as a springboard to engage in an intergenerational queer struggle.

Bilingual Legacies: Father Figures in Self-Writing from Barcelona by Dr. Anna Casas Aguilar
Dr. Anna Casas Aguilar's book Bilingual Legacies: Father Figures in Self-Writing from Barcelona was published by the University of Toronto Press in May 2022. You can purchase a copy here. Bilingual Legacies examines fatherhood in the work of four canonical Spanish authors born in Barcelona and raised during the dictatorship of Francisco Franco. Drawing on the autobiographical texts of Juan Goytisolo, Carlos Barral, Terenci Moix, and Clara Janés, the book explores how these authors understood gender roles and paternal figures as well as how they positioned themselves in relation to Spanish and Catalan literary traditions.

Cartografias in/justas: representaciones culturales del espacio urbano y rural en la España contemporánea ed. by Dr. Monica Lopez Lerma
Cartografias in/justas: representaciones culturales del espacio urbano y rural en la España contemporánea, edited by Dr. Monica Lopez Lerma, was published by Comares Editorial on May 15, 2024. You can purchase a copy here.

Cosmopolitan and Vernacular in the World of Wen: Reading Sheldon Pollock from the Sinographic Cosmopolis ed. by Dr. Ross King
Sheldon Pollock’s work on the history of literary cultures in the ‘Sanskrit Cosmopolis’ broke new ground in the theorization of historical processes of vernacularization and served as a wake-up call for comparative approaches to such processes in other translocal cultural formations. But are his characterizations of vernacularization in the Sinographic Sphere accurate, and do his ideas and framework allow us to speak of a ‘Sinographic Cosmopolis’? How do the special typology of sinographic writing and associated technologies of vernacular reading complicate comparisons between the Sankrit and Latinate cosmopoleis? Such are the questions tackled in this volume.

Culture Work: Folklore For the Public Good ed. by Dr. Tim Frandy and Dr. B. Marcus Cederström
Culture Work: Folklore For the Public Good edited by Dr. Tim Frandy and Dr. B. Marcus Cederström was published on August 1, 2022 by the University of Wisconsin Press. You can purchase a copy here. How do culture workers construct public arts and culture projects that are effective and transformative? How do we create public humanities projects of the community, for the community, and with the community? How can culture work make a concrete difference in the quality of life for communities, and lead to the creation of a more just world? Why do the public humanities matter? Culture Work explores these questions through real-world examples of cultural and public humanities projects. The innovative case studies analyzed in the book demonstrate the vast numbers of creative possibilities in culture work today—in all their complexities, challenges, and potentialities.

Marx’s Wager: Das Kapital and Classical Sociology by Dr. Thomas Kemple
Dr. Thomas Kemple's book, Marx's Wager: Das Kapital and Classical Sociology, was published on October 13, 2022 by Palgrave Macmillan Cham. You can read more about the book and purchase a copy here. PDF downloads are free for members of the UBC community. Overview:- Demonstrates how influential classical sociologists read Capital
- Identifies the implications of Marx's reception for later social scientists
- Examines how early thinkers understand theory and practice

Navigating from the White Anthropocene to the Black Chthulucene by Dr. William Brown
Dr. William Brown's book Navigating from the White Anthropocene to the Black Chthulucene was published on June 26, 2023 by CollectiveInk. You can purchase a copy here. Navigating from the White Anthropocene to the Black Chthulucene radically re-interprets Buster Keaton's iconic 1924 film, The Navigator, through the combined lenses of posthumanism and critical race theory. This book deconstructs the film's underlying anti-Blackness and anti-Indigeneity while exposing the unthinking whiteness of theorists and philosophers, including Gilles Deleuze, who have given Keaton's work pride of place in the history of cinema. Through its daring and provocative analysis of Keaton's classic, Navigating from the White Anthropocene to the Black Chthulucene invites us to consider cinema itself, at least in its classical narrative form, as a tool for constructing and maintaining white supremacy while building the conceptual tools for a world beyond whiteness.

Preparing Teachers to Work with Multilingual Learners by Meike Wernicke et al.
Preparing Teachers to Work with Multilingual Learners by Meike Wernicke, Svenja Hammer, Antje Hansen, Tobias Schroedler was published by Multilingual Matters on April 15, 2021. You can purchase a copy here. This collection examines a diverse range of approaches to multilingualism in teacher education programmes across Europe and North America. The authors investigate how pre-service teachers are being prepared to work in multilingual contexts and discuss the key features of current pre-service teacher education initiatives that address the increasing linguistic and cultural diversity evident in classrooms in their respective countries.

Presents and Futures of Catalan Studies: A North American Perspective ed. by Dr. Anna Casas Aguilar et al.
This special edition of Catalan Review was edited by Anna Casas Aguilar, Maria Dasca, Ignasi Gozalo and Núria Silleras and was published by Liverpool University Press on July 26, 2023. You can read Volume 37, Issue 1, "Presents and Futures of Catalan Studies: A North American Perspective" here.