How can animation explore nomadic and indigenous cosmologies? Join artist Alisi Telengut, animation scholar Alla Gadassik (Emily Carr University), and cultural anthropologist Alexia Bloch (UBC) in a virtual screening, talks, and discussion. Sponsored by the Animate Materials Workshop and the UBC Centre for European Studies.
When: September 27, 2022 12:30pm-2:00pm
Where: online
Register here.
This event features artist Alisi Telengut, who uses under-the-camera animation and arts-based material research to explore Eurasian indigenous histories and animist cosmologies. The event will include virtual screenings of Telengut’s films The Fourfold (2020) and Nutag-Homeland (2016), as well as glimpses of her current work-in-progress on Lake Baikal and the indigenous Buryat people of Siberia. Animation scholar Alla Gadassik (ECUAD) and cultural anthropologist Alexia Bloch (UBC) will respond to Telengut’s work by reflecting on how ethnographic and arts-based methods can contribute to understanding place and belonging.
Dr Alexia Bloch is an Affiliate of the UBC Centre for European Studies.
Find out more about the speakers here: Nomadic Cosmologies: Conversation with Alisi Telengut | Emily Carr University of Art + Design (