Time: Join us on May 11, 2022 at 4pm PT
Registration required: This is a hybrid event, with the option to attend in person or online.
Zoom: Zoom Registration Link
In Person: Please RSVP via email to ces.assistant@ubc.ca
Title: “EU Sanctions and Aid: The European Union’s Response to Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine”
Bio: Paulina Pospieszna is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland. She received her Ph.D. (2010) in Political Science from the University of Alabama and worked as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Konstanz and University of Mannheim, Germany. Her main research interests are: Democracy Promotion, Civil Society, Political Participation and Aid and Sanctions as Foreign Policy Tools. Geographically, she mainly focuses on Central and Eastern Europe.
Recently, Dr. Pospieszna has published a book entitled Democracy Assistance Bypassing Governments in Recipient Countries Supporting the “Next Generation”, Routledge. Paulina Pospieszna is a member of the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence at Adam Mickiewicz University, which promotes teaching and research on the EU. More about the Center can be found here http://coe.amu.edu.pl
During her talk entitled “EU Sanctions and Aid: The European Union’s response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine” at the UBC Centre for European Studies, Dr. Pospieszna will refer to her research conducted within the grant, “Does Supranational Coercion Work? Onset, Impact and Effectiveness of EU Sanctions”, funded by the Polish National Science Center (NCN) [2014/15/G/HS5/04845].