“Biblical Forgery and the Carceral State, ca. 1000” Research Colloquium by Dr. Mo Pareles

April 19th, 3 pm (PST)

This event will be held in person and via Zoom. Register here.

Dr. Mo Pareles









“Biblical Forgery and the Carceral State, ca. 1000” Research Colloquium by Dr. Mo Pareles




This talk, a reading from Dr. Pareles’s forthcoming book “Nothing Pure: Jewish Law, Christian Supersession, and Bible Translation in Old English” (University of Toronto Press), explores how a medieval English archbishop used Biblical translation and forgery to claim a greater role for the church in state affairs and, in turn, to extend greater state control over the bodies of women and enslaved people.



Dr. Pareles is a medievalist and assistant professor of English at UBC. Their first book, “Nothing Pure: Jewish Law, Christian Supersession, and Bible Translation in Old English” (forthcoming from University of Toronto Press) traces the supersessionary Christian translation of the Hebrew Bible in Old English. Their second book project, tentatively titled “Time’s Others: Infant, Animal, and Jewish Temporalities in Medieval Christianity“, explores the abjected, arrested, and pregnant temporalities that make medieval Christian futures possible.