Apply As a Visiting Scholar

CES Visiting Scholar Program

The UBC Centre for European Studies regularly hosts visiting scholars for research visits ranging from 1 to 12 months. The Centre does not offer funding for visiting scholars. Office space is available to a limited number of scholars each year.

There are two streams through which visiting scholars can become affiliated with the Centre for the duration of their research stay. Each prospective applicant would need to situate themselves in one of these streams.


Stream 1: Graduate Students


UBC has a system in place by which domestic students from institutions part of the Western Deans’ Agreement can complete coursework and/or research toward the requirements of a degree at one of the recognized institutions. For more information about the program, visit the UBC Calendar Page.



UBC hosts the Visiting International Research Students (VIRS) program through which international graduate students can participate in research under the supervision of a faculty member at UBC. For more information about the program, visit the UBC Office of Global Engagement Website. The UBC Centre for European Studies may be able to cover the VIRS application fee. Prospective applicants should include a request for this fee in their cover letter.


Stream 2: Faculty/Non-Student Scholars

When it comes to faculty/non-student visiting scholars, UBC distinguishes between those who have a) continuing appointments or have emeritus status at other institutions and b) those who are self-funded researchers without continuing appointment at other institutions. The former can be appointed as visiting faculty while the latter can be appointed as visiting scholars. Prospective applicants should clearly state their status in the cover letter.


Application Procedure

While there are university-wide application requirements in place, the UBC Centre for European Studies has its own additional application procedure. All applicants should contact the Centre outlining their interests at least 6 months before the start of the planned research stay.

  • The first step is to send a CES Visiting Scholar Program application directly to the Centre at Application materials must include:
    • Cover Letter. In the letter, applicants should describe the research that they plan to undertake during their visit and how this work connects to the work at the Centre. Moreover, applicants should identify UBC faculty who have research interests in common, list expected dates of the visit, and outline any special circumstances that would help the centre support the application.
    • CV.
  • If the Centre approves the application, visiting scholars will be prompted to carry out the next steps in the appointment process (which, in the case of student applicants, includes applying for visiting student status). All applications, even if initially supported by the Centre, are pending final UBC approval.