Project Name:
Ethnic Diversity and Social Solidarity
Keith Banting (SSHRC), Richard Johnston (CRC)
Research Assistants:
Charles Breton
Eric Merkley
Antony Kevins (McGill)
SSHRC, CRC, ESF Research Networking Programme RECODE and EUI.
This program extends and broadens work by the “Gang of Four,” Banting, Will Kymlicka, Stuart Soroka and myself. Our work focuses on the relationship between ethnic diversity and the welfare state, which we explore both within Canada and across OECD countries. We examine the relationship at three levels: public attitudes, government policy, and normative theory. Substantively, we examined the impact of ethnic diversity on public attitudes towards redistribution, the impact of immigration and multicultural policies on the strength and durability of the welfare state, and the implications of our empirical findings for normative theories of multicultural citizenship. We also go beyond support for the welfare state to distinguish three forms of solidarity: civic solidarity (levels of prejudice and tolerance), democratic solidarity (political inclusion and cooperation), and redistributive solidarity (the welfare state itself).
Project Stage:
Data collection, data analysis, writing
Recent outputs:
Ethnoreligious Identity, Immigration and Redistribution. Journal of Experimental Political Science. Online October 29017) With Stuart Soroka, Matthew Wright, Jack Citrin, Keith Banting, and Will Kymlicka.
Multiculturalism and Muslim Accommodation: Policy and Predisposition Across Three Political Contexts. Comparative Political Studies 50:1 (January 2017): 102-132. With Matthew Wright, Jack Citrin, and Stuart Soroka.
Diversity and solidarity: New evidence from Canada and the US. In The Strains of Commitment: The Political Sources of Solidarity in Diverse Societies, eds. Keith G. Banting and Will Kymlicka. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2017, pp. 152-176. With Matthew Wright, Stuart Soroka, and Jack Citrin.
Migration and Welfare State Spending. European Political Science Review. 8:2 (May 2016): 173-194. With Stuart Soroka, Antony Kevins, Will Kymlicka, and Keith Banting.
National Identity and Anti-Immigrant Attitudes: Canada in Comparative Perspective: The Multiple Patterns in Contemporary Democracies. Presented to the Nineteenth International Conference of Europeanists, 2012 (Boston) and the 2012 Annual Meeting of the CPSA, Edmonton. Being revised and updated for IPSA 2018 (Brisbane) With Stuart Soroka, Keith Banting, and Will Kymlikca.