The UBC Centre for European Studies was launched in early 2022. The Centre emerged from the former Institute for European Studies, which was founded in 1998 at UBC to advance the study and understanding of European politics, economy, and societies. The Centre for European Studies supports a broad, transnational view of Europe, embodied through the collective work of faculty, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students and visiting scholars across the Social Sciences and Humanities. Through its speaker series, research colloquia, and other events, the Centre provides a collegial and stimulating space for critical examinations and discussions of the legacies of Europe and its constituent parts, European current affairs and scholarship, and European cultures and societies, broadly conceived. We strive to engage with Europe from the perspective of our place on unceded Musqueam territory, supporting approaches that amplify Indigenous and minoritized perspectives and that decolonize our historical relationships with Europe.
Katherine Bowers, CES Director
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